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History – Oral & Written – A Perspective

Namaste, Welcome to SAM-VAD (Together In Conversation), this is where we try to draw your attention to things that matter and the importance of our attention, why is that? Because ‘let us remember this again, ‘What we give our Attention to matters,’ as Our life’s experience would ultimately amount to whatever we had paid attention to.

Attention: is as fundamental as food; and we go blundering about, seeking ways to assuage the craving, instead of learning how to provide ourselves with what we need, sensibly and calmly. Once our attention is drawn to the mechanism of why and...

Šťastné slovo: Co pořád ti homosexuálové chtějí? Dostali už dost

Sobotní glosa Jindřicha Šídla. Jakkoliv si teď odpůrci úplného narovnání práv pro homosexuální páry mohou namlouvat, že je konečně po všem a věc je jednou provždy vyřízena, všichni víme, že je to jen přechodný stav.

Takže pro tohle volební období máme hotovo. Senát zřejmě moudře usoudil, že si česká LGBTQ+ komunita už v tomhle volebním období vyslechla poměrně dost nechutných urážek, takže přes protesty senátorů KDU-ČSL, kteří chtěli přidat ještě další, nechal bez boje projít to, co ve S...

PRAISE, BLESSING & THANKFULNESS: Unleashing Abundance Through Appreciation & Harnessing Magic of Praise

Unleashing Abundance Through Appreciation: The Transformative Power of Praise, Blessing and Thankfulness. 

In the profound words of Charles Fillmore, there exists an inherent law of mind: whatever we praise, we increase. This principle, rooted in the very fabric of creation, dictates that praise has a multiplying effect, infusing joy and gladness into every aspect of existence. From animal trainers rewarding obedience to children beaming with happiness when praised, the resonance of praise is undeniable. Even vegetation thrives under the nurturing gaze of love and appreciation.

Just as Adam named the creatures of the earth, we too p...

เทคนิค 4 ข้อในการสร้างนิสัยอย่างยั่งยืน | Better Life Podcast EP.1

กี่ครั้งแล้วที่คุณตั้งใจวางแผนจะทำอะไรซักอย่างแล้วก็ล้มเลิกไป กี่ครั้งแล้วที่ไฟในการเปลี่ยนแปลงตัวเองของคุณมันหายไปกลางทาง ถ้าคุณกำลังตกอยู่ในสถานการณ์เหล่านี้ Better Life Podcast ตอนนี้มีคำตอบครับ เนื้อหาในวันนี้ผมได้สรุปเทคนิคทั้ง 4 ข้อจากหนังสือชื่อดังชื่อ Atomic Habits by James Clear มาไว้ให้คุณผู้ฟังได้ลองฟังและนำไปปรับใช้กันนะครับ ถ้าหากลองนำเทคนิคไปใช้แล้วได้ผลยังไงก็มาคอมเมนต์กันได้เลยครับ ถ้าพร้อมแล้ว ไปฟังกันเลยครับ

Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver (Commentary)

Commentary on 2024's Rebel Moon – Part Two: The Scargiver

Deje su mensaje después de la señal en la radio

En el espacio dedicado a la Red de Bibliotecas de Lorca "Nunca digas, nunca jamás" de Cadena Azul nuestra compañera Elena Hernández nos recomienda la novela "Deje su mensaje después de la señal" de Arantza Portabales Santomé. ¿Por qué enviar un mensaje de WhatsApp cuando puedes poner tu voz? ¿Por qué poner tu voz si podrías decirlo cara a cara? ¿La distancia física nos vuelve más audaces, más impunes? Incapaces de enfrentarse a sus secretos, a la soledad y a los hombres con los que desearían hablar, las cuatro protagonistas de esta novela c...

Bad Pyrmont: Sporthalle an der Südstraße wird auch in diesem Jahr nicht saniert

Die Bad Pyrmonter Sporthalle an der Südstraße wird auch in diesem Jahr nicht saniert. Zum zweiten Mal hatte die Stadt einen Antrag auf Förderung eingereicht – der wurde aber erneut abgelehnt. Die finanziellen Mittel will die Stadt aber weiterhin reserviert lassen, um sich auch im kommenden Jahr wieder auf Fördermittel aus Berlin zu bewerben. Die […]

Klass #537 "MusicMasterClassRadio" By Dj. Roberto Stoppa 2024-04-20 H 11:30

Grande passione per la musica fin da bambino. Comincia a 13 anni a cantare e suonare con svariate band … A 19 anni il primo ingaggio da professionista per serate come cantante in tutto il Veneto … Nel 1977 comincia a fare il DJ nei più grandi e famosi club del Nord Italia: BOOM, ANGELO…

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Planeta dos Abutres: Você já se deparou com uma obra e se surpreendeu?

Nesse episódio vamos falar da obra prima de ficção científica: Planeta dos Abutres. Fique conosco nesse episódio do Xwars Podcast Nerd.

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MySports 4.20.24 - Brady Stabler Talks Baseball (Antwerp at Wayne Trace on MySports.Live)

Brady Stabler -Talks Baseball (Antwerp at Wayne Trace on MySports.Live)

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Qu'elle se vive seul(e) ou qu'elle se partage, comme auditeur ou comme interprète, la musique rime avec plaisir... Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.

Le mythe du tenor italien

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Les voix du baroque

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SAMVAD (Together In Conversation)

What we give our attention to matters. It is as important and fundamental as food. Our life's experience would ultimately amount to whatever we had paid attention to. Once our attention is drawn to the mechanism of why and what we give attention to, it is as if a veil has been stripped off and we become freer in our action and choices.
The endeavor of this podcast is to draw the listener's attention towards books, articles and other such written and oral materials which point in this direction.

Čteme vám Seznam Zprávy

Dlouhé čtení ze Seznam Zpráv i v audioverzi. Původní analýzy, komentáře, investigace, které by vám neměly uniknout.



The LAW OF ATTRACTION is a principle that suggests that thoughts and emotions shape the reality we experience. It posits that what you consistently focus on—whether positive or negative—will be drawn into your life. By aligning thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with desired outcomes, individuals can attract similar energies or circumstances. The Law of Attraction emphasizes the power of visualization, affirmations, and maintaining a positive mindset to manifest goals. Essentially, it implies that like attracts like, and by consciously directing thoughts, one can influence and create their own reality.

The SUBCONSCIOUS MIND holds immense influence over our lives, operating beneath conscious awareness. It stores beliefs, memories, and patterns shaping behavior and experiences. Its power lies in processing information, governing habits, and influencing decision-making. It's the seat of emotions, intuition, and creativity, driving our actions often beyond conscious control. By reprogramming limiting beliefs and nurturing positive thoughts, one can harness its potential for profound personal transformation. Understanding and utilizing the subconscious mind enables intentional manifestation, healing, and the unlocking of untapped potential, offering a gateway to shape a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Embark on a transformative journey through an extraordinary audio library that encapsulates the core principles of the Law of Attraction and the power of the subconscious mind. This curated collection includes timeless works by influential authors who have shaped the landscape of personal development.

Dive into "Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World" by William Walker Atkinson, a trailblazing exploration of thought vibrations and the mind's role in attracting desired outcomes. Atkinson's work, dating back to 1906, serves as a foundational guide to understanding the intricacies of the Law of Attraction. William Walker Atkinson's "The Law of Attraction in the Thought World" is a compelling exploration into the power of thoughts in shaping our reality. In this insightful book, Atkinson delves into the principle that thoughts have a magnetic energy attracting similar energies, influencing circumstances and experiences. He elucidates how our mental vibrations align with corresponding outcomes, emphasizing the significance of positive thinking and visualization in manifesting desires. Atkinson's work serves as a guiding beacon, unveiling the intricate connection between thoughts and the universe, empowering readers to harness their thoughts to create the life they envision through understanding and applying the Law of Attraction.

Charles F. Haanel's "The Master Key System" (1916) takes center stage, offering profound insights into the principles of the Law of Attraction and personal development. Haanel's systematic approach provides listeners with practical tools to unlock their potential and manifest their desires. Charles Haanel's "The Master Key System" is a timeless blueprint, merging the Law of Attraction with profound insight. Within its pages lies a transformative map to unlock the mind's immense potential. Haanel intricately details the synergy between thoughts and reality, offering a systematic approach to manifest desires. Each chapter unveils keys to unlock the universe's abundance, empowering readers to harmonize with the Law of Attraction and shape their destiny with intention and clarity.

Explore the intellectual depths of "The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas Troward (1904), where Troward discusses the power of thought and the Law of Attraction in achieving one's goals. Troward's lectures provide a comprehensive understanding of the mental aspects influencing attraction.

Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success" (1925) complements the collection, delving into success principles, including the transformative power of positive thinking and attraction. Hill's timeless wisdom has inspired generations to achieve their aspirations. Napoleon Hill's "The Law of Success" unfurls an intricate roadmap to achievement, echoing the principles of the Law of Attraction. Hill's timeless wisdom illuminates the interplay between thoughts and reality, guiding readers through the intricate dance of intention, belief, and manifestation. This seminal work crystallizes the transformative power of aligning one's mindset with success, unveiling the roadmap to greatness through the magnetic forces of the Law of Attraction.

As the journey unfolds, Wallace D. Wattles' "The Science of Getting Rich" (1910) illuminates the concepts of wealth and success through the lens of the Law of Attraction, providing listeners with practical insights into creating abundance.

Prentice Mulford's "Your Forces and How to Use Them" (1887) explores the cosmic forces at play in the universe, offering guidance on harnessing these forces for personal growth and success.

Florence Scovel Shinn's "The Game of Life and How to Play It" (1925) outlines spiritual and metaphysical principles related to achieving one's desires, enriching the collection with a holistic perspective on attraction.

Henry Thomas Hamblin's "Dynamic Thought" (1921) contributes to the library by discussing the transformative power of thought and visualization in creating a successful life.

The collection also features Robert Collier' "The Secret of the Ages" (1926), "The God in You", (1937), "The Secret of Power" (1945), "The Magic Word" (1940), delving into the influence of thought and belief in shaping one's destiny. Robert Collier's work adds a layer of depth to the exploration of attraction and manifestation. Robert Collier's books unlock the ethereal realm of manifestation, intertwining profound wisdom with the potent principles of the Law of Attraction. Through Collier's eloquent prose, readers embark on a transformative journey, delving into the mystic depths of the mind's creative power. His words serve as a celestial compass, guiding seekers toward their deepest desires, revealing the cosmic dance between intention and manifestation. With each page, Collier weaves a tapestry of empowerment, illuminating the path to harness one's thoughts, beliefs, and actions in alignment with the universe's boundless abundance. His work becomes a beacon of enlightenment, unveiling the secrets to wield the Law of Attraction and orchestrate a life of limitless possibilities.

James Allen's timeless classic "As a Man Thinketh" (1903) concludes the library, emphasizing the pivotal role of thought in personal development and success. While not explicitly focused on the Law of Attraction, Allen's work provides foundational principles for understanding the transformative power of the mind.

This audio library is a comprehensive and immersive experience, offering listeners a treasure trove of wisdom from pioneering authors who have paved the way for understanding the Law of Attraction and harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. Through their collective insights, listeners embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and the realization of their true potential.

Most popular books related to the law of attraction:

  1. "Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World" by William Walker Atkinson (1906)

  2. "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles (1910)

  3. "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel (1912)

  4. "The Game of Life and How to Play It" by Florence Scovel Shinn (1925)

  5. "The Secret of the Ages" by Robert Collier (1926)

  6. "Thoughts Are Things" by Prentice Mulford (1889)

  7. "The Creative Process in the Individual" by Thomas Troward (1915)

  8. "The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas Troward (1904)

  9. "Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion" by Émile Coué (1922)

  10. "The Power of Thought" by Henry Thomas Hamblin (1921)

Most popular books about the power of the subconscious mind:

  1. "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy (1963)
  2. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill (1937)
  3. "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles (1910)
  4. "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen (1903)
  5. "The Master Key System" by Charles F. Haanel (1912)
  6. "The Law of Success" by Napoleon Hill (1925)
  7. "The Art of Money Getting" by P.T. Barnum (1880)
  8. "Dynamic Thought" by Henry Thomas Hamblin (1921)
  9. "The Edinburgh Lectures on Me
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Teasing "Les savanturiers"

Teasing "Les savanturiers" Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.

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Buenas Noticias

Buenas noticias para ti, es un plan de vida y existencial para ti, encontrarás la vida eterna para siempre.